Student Materials & Resources
Recommend Reeds for all Clarinet, Bass Clarinet and all Saxophones
All GMS Woodwind students should have an ample supply of quality reeds with them at all times.
Vandoren and Rico reeds are two of the most popular brands with both players and band directors.
Recommended Mutes for all Trumpet and Trombonists
All trumpet and trombone players should purchase a Cup Mute and a Straight Mute as pictured here. The best model for middle school players is the Stonelined series made by Humes & Berg.
I still have mine from 4th grade! Mutes are available at all local music stores and on line.
Recommended Drumsticks for all Glenwood Percussionists

SD1 General by Vic Firth
Round tip. Ideal for orchestral work, rock and band. A legendary practice stick.
SD2 Bolero by Vic Firth
Round tip. Perfect for light jazz, studio, orchestral and pit work.
Qwik Tune QT-2 Chromatic Tuner (Recommended for all instrumentalists)
This is the least expensive auto-chromatic tuner that Mr. Apple has ever seen.
Measuring only 4'' by 2 1/2'' by 1 inch thick, it is convenient to carry everywhere. This model runs on one 9 v battery. The feature list includes: In & Out jacks (allows the tuner to be used for guitar and other electric instruments), LCD meter AND LED lamps, both of which indicate pitch (sharp, flat, or in tune for the LED's, sliding scale for the LCD meter), Automatic note selection (you play an E, the tuner can recognize that you played an E), as well as unsurpassed all-digital accuracy.
If you don’t want a separate physical tuner, visit the Technology Page and learn about tuner software. Either way, every student should have a way to tune his or her instrument.
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international
music honor society for middle/junior high and high school students. It
is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical
achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service
activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and
leadership. Through more than 5,500 chartered chapters, Tri-M has helped
thousands of young people provide years of service through music in
schools throughout the world. Tri-M is a program of the National
Association for Music Education.