I hope everyone had a safe and restful summer vacation and that all of our fantastic young musicians are excited to be coming back to Glenwood tomorrow!
For the first day of school, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble students do not need their band instruments. We will begin practicing after everyone has instruments and music. Mr. Apple will tell everyone when we need instruments this week.
Please have your name on all you instrument cases before you bring them to Glenwood.
All-County and All-State Band Information
Many of our band students audition for honors groups each year. The audition information and registration forms for this year’s Howard County G/T and Honors Band can be found here.
2014 G/T and Honors Band Information
Please see Mr. Apple if you have any questions. Deadline for G/T Band forms is September 5. If you are interested in auditioning for Maryland All-State Band, please see Mr. Apple for that information. The audition requirements are very similar to that of County Band.
New Rehearsal Times for 2014-2015
Remember that Wind Ensemble now meets Period 1 everyday and Concert Band meets Period 2. This is minor change from last year when Wind Ensemble rehearsed Period 7.