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Band News

Wind Ensemble Assessment Schedule Update from snow day.


The Glenwood Middle School Wind Ensemble  will be  attending and performing at the annual Howard County Middle School Band Assessment held at Atholton High School.  This is a county mandated performance for all band students and attendance/performance will count towards their overall grade in band class.  The HCPSS Music Office has made every effort to accommodate our schedule for those band students participating in Midnight Madness on Friday. 

The MAKE-UP  assessment date for the Wind Ensemble will be tomorrow,  FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd , 2018.  The adjudication for the Concert Band is CANCELLED.

On Friday, March 23th, I will need all  Wind Ensemble students to meet in the band room at the start of Period 5  (11:51am) ( 8th grade students will eat on the 7th grade lunch shift) to get their instruments tuned, to dress in concert attire, and ready to leave at 1:15pm. We will not get back to Glenwood Middle School until 4:00 - 4:30pm.  All students must bring their backpacks and belongings with them to the band room at the start of Period 5. 

When we return around 4:00pm those students who need to be chaperoned for Midnight Madness will check in with Ms. Apple. Ms. Apple will be their chaperone for the activity until their parent chaperone arrives at school. All other Wind Ensemble students not participating in Midnight Madness must be picked up by 5:00pm.


This is the Schedule for the Glenwood Wind Ensemble for our Performance on Friday 3/23.  (This is from the Music Office)

  • 1:15 - pick up at Glenwood MS
  • 1:45- arrive at Atholton High School
  • 1:50 - warm-up
  • 2:20 - performance
  • 2:45 - sight reading
  • 3:30 - depart Atholton High School
  • 4:00 - arrive at Glenwood MS
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